Friday, 18 November 2011


From London to Dundee via Edinburgh (or Embra as they say in Glasgow), I am sure there could be a song in that. It’s been a week of train journeys really. I even managed a pre Christmas get together with colleagues that may be a record in its previous-ness to the season. But enjoyable all the more for it. The aforementioned Movenmber's are making meetings a bit challenging….that is to keep your face straight! I love the way it has changed some of my colleagues into either dodgy seventies cops or dastardly hero types! Next weeks board meeting should have a whole new dynamic too. The trip allowed me to catch up with colleagues and good friends too-I realise how much I have missed that of late.

In the week that Breakthrough Breast Cancer has published new risk factor guidelines (see our website to download them from the publications section) I have also attended two meetings where the potential of reducing risk and improving outcomes post-treatment through a healthy diet and physical activity. It’s made me value even more the importance of my zumba and that general feeling of being on top of my health-rather than underneath it as it’s felt for six long months. The evidence is stacking up in support of the benefit of being a healthy weight and being active and it does seem that we should be looking at making the support for this a part of treatment- not just a nice to do for the lucky few. After all a drug that had those benefits would be being sold for millions, would it not?

Some conversations have also recalled that well known phenomena after a cancer diagnosis(and other difficult times too) of the  "I would have been in touch  but….”syndrome. Do you recognise the feeling? I suspect some of you do and I suspect like me it has really hurt sometimes. And it’s the people you expect to come forward who do the opposite that are the ones who can hurt you the most. But I have learned that for those who don’t there is a complimentary number of those who do come forward with their love and support. And it’s so much easier to focus on those who do and just let go of the hurt caused by those who don’t. Oh and learn from it too. So for those of you who stepped forward and still do. Thank you so much-it really matters.

And its been the clinic this week too and good news, the first mammogram following surgery is clear. Woo hoo! And it wasn’t too painful (ish). The waiting of course was fairly painful in a different way but I got the result the same day and that saved my sanity. With that in the bag my decision is made-I will have corrective surgery as soon as I have seen the plastic surgeon and know what’s best to do. One option could include lipofill-taking fat from an area you don’t want it and putting it where you do. Painful I hear but otherwise some obvious benefits don’t you think?! I sensibly did not go back to the office after the appointment (my head was mince to use a technical term). I realised last week after feeling like crying standing in John Lewis what I wanted to do and now my results mean that the time is right.Watch this space.

Reasons to be cheerful: A good time with friends was enjoyed this week and also anticipated as my good friend is coming for the weekend. I can’t wait. Now that my visit to the clinic is passed I feel I can enjoy it too. Also I know now my daughter will be home for Christmas-weather permitting (last year it didn’t!). Her dog Molly is coming too. Koshka and Molly have not yet met. Oh oh….sorry puss. And talking of Christmas the lights go on in Edinburgh soon and the Christmas market starts. I love it and there can be few prettier settings in the world for it. Do visit!


  1. Really good news, so pleased for you Audrey. Keep smiling.

    Tracy and Ann xxx

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For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...