Monday, 5 November 2012

A week for a big decision.....

" Dont ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive"

This has been a week for a huge decision. Not one that snuck up on me of course. It's been building for some time. As you know I have had the reminder , for the second time in my life, that life and health is our greatest treasure. And now I am mostly recovered from my recent illness it's made me think...what next? 

Now, not in a," what if I am going to die sort of way". More of a ,"how do I want to live?"And the answer is there are some things I still really want to do in my career and there is some balance I would like to achieve in my life. In order to do that, I need to make changes.

 I came to my role in Breakthrough to set up the charity in Scotland. I was fortunate to recruit a great team who shared my desire to be the best we could to represent the people affected by breast cancer in Scotland. And if I can be permitted a little immodesty...that we have done with style. I am immensely proud of all that we have achieved and I now feel its the right time to move on. 

Just writing that of course gives me a huge lump in my throat, I will be sad when that time comes at the end of January. But I know it's right nonetheless. I will of course continue my blog as its my story and what is clear is this next chapter is a important part of that journey too. And I also will stay engaged with social media around breast cancer, with some exciting plans afoot even. So i will remain involved with the breast cancer community...its part of who i am after all. Breakthrough will always be special to me and I will remain involved where I can help...I even plan to become one of the Breakthrough 100!

So whats next for me? I am keen to play to my strengths and experience and develop a portfolio style career.  I have long held a desire to do leadership coaching and development work with individuals and organisations to use my experience to support them to grow and develop for those they serve.  Also throughout my career my passion has been improving health and social care and of course I will seek opportunities to continue that , not least through my work with the Alliance. And who knows what else ? But I would really love to do a bit more writing too.......

So you'll have gathered its not to go and potter in the garden! But I do hope that I can ,within in those plans,  find a bit more time than my current role allows , to smell the roses.....or even the puppy:-) This feels like a big step I'm sure you will understand. A step into the financial unknown in the world of the self employed. So I need cheerleaders and friends to support me through this....I hope you will travel alongside me and cheer me on! My blog will plot my course, reflect on these big decsions and as ever do my best to make a difference.

Reasons to be cheerful. I have the support of the great people  in my life to encourage me to create a future that offers further career challenge and satisfaction doing the things I am best at....and gives me ,I hope , a better balance to protect my longer term health. 

 And my son has returned safely from an aborted trip to New York. He was in Pittsburgh with his girlfriend, seeing his favourite American football team for the first time when Hurricane Sandy struck New York, their planned next stop. But they had a great time with the good folk of Pittsburgh  instead and watched the terrible impact not only on the fine city of New York but other states  in the US and of course the Caribbean too. Changing holiday plans are a small thing by comparison. I hope the people whose lives were shattered by these events get the support they need.


  1. Congratulations on your decision. How exciting to have a whole new future to plot! I'm looking forward to seeing your successes. Good luck. x

    1. Thank you so much Ellen. It's been a big decision but it feels right!

  2. I love that quote and using that as a guide I don't think you will go far wrong in the new direction you are heading..looking forward to seeing where that intuitive voice takes you Audrey.

    1. Two people shared that quote in one week so it has stayed with me. Looking forward feels good. And just a bit scary!

  3. Great quote. Great advice. Good luck as you move forward with things. I'm still trying to figure out this balance thing and a whole lot more... maybe we all are. And I'm glad your son returned home safely.

  4. Thanks Nancy. I suspect finding balance will always be my challenge but this gives me a better opportunity I hope!


For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...