Friday, 20 December 2013

Enjoying the little things?

A short Friday inspiration today. I have had a family week with Christmas visits to the fore. I have loved every minute. From time family around their tree and watching the new Hunger Games film which I loved- to long a planned visit to Krakow. What a wonderful city it is, beauty, thought provoking history, warm, welcoming people and classical concerts in tiny churches to lift the soul. (...and warm wine to restore feeling to the feet afterwards I wont lie!)
But whats been best of all is special time with people I love so I'm sharing too this image from the film UP. Its a wonderful film,if you get the chance to see it, you may need a hanky but it will also steal your heart. Enjoy your own big and little times.


  1. Oh, just thinking about UP gets my tears going. The start of the movie was such a beautiful and heartbreaking reality. I love that they follow that montage of the relationship with a ridiculous balloon-filled adventure. :)


  2. Oh I know I can cry easily but UP is one that always gets me. It's a hopeful film too which I do love. There is a perfect combination of poignancy and nonsense! Thanks as ever for commenting! Audrey xx

  3. This just warmed my heart, though I also had a moment of poignancy, like you both - this movie always makes me cry. Wishing you every blessing at Christmas time Audrey xxxx

    1. And to you to Marie, enjoy the warmth of a different place this year, may 2014 bring you peace and happiness.


For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...