Friday, 31 January 2014

To nurture wisdom

The approach to Windsor castle

St George's Chapel

In recent years my January has been elevated by an annual trip to Windsor. I notice that I always prioritise it in my diary. Even on the Sunday evening as i set off in the cold my shivers are of anticipation. My first invitation was flattering and even though I am now in some ways an old timer, I still go through the thoughts about how did I slip through the net to get the chance to come here! The point the biographies come out is generally another such moment and its hard to be in the presence of such history and indeed historic power not to feel awed.
The Windsor leadership dialogue takes place within St Georges House within the castle grounds. The purpose of St George's House is to nurture wisdom and what an honour it is to be there. As well as a rich and stimulating dialogue we heard of the history of the Chapel, saw graves of monarchs ancient and modern and learned of the Order of the Garter, founded around 1344. The dialogue itself is confidential but its suffice to say, wisdom was nurtured, assumptions were challenged and I left stimulated and humbled and pondering on love and power. Next year is in the diary already.
And January closing means its a year since I left Breakthrough Breast Cancer and I look back on the year with a sense of awe as well. Every change has its gains and losses, time and energy is needed to move through the transition and this has been no different. I have grieved at times and felt joyful at times too.Thanks to all of you who have been there on the roller coaster with me. I wouldn't have missed this opportunity to work independently as a coach and consultant but the joy has come from all of you who have shared the journey with me. Last year at this time I was finalising my brand image below-what a difference a year makes!
Reasons to be cheerful:
I'm looking forward to this next year, working with so many great people and projects. The Windsor Dialogue has really inspired me again. I'm even thinking of writing a book...there I've said it. Wish me luck.


  1. Gosh Audrey, I can't believe that year has gone by so quickly. In the past twelve months I have been nurtured by much of the wisdom you have shared here on the blog. Thank you for that and for your friendship x

    1. Thanks so much Marie for your encouragement and friendship through this time too. Your words mean so much. Xx


For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...