The Blog Tour!
tempted by a page
Of space
to be free
A story
to be created
to reveal themselves
shaping and
as the unfolding
and unburdening.
Thanks to
Marie for this
blogging baton handover. It's been an
interesting process, never having thought about how and why I write
before. I have valued reflecting on authentic writing and what that means for
me. Here are my thoughts and insights on what writing means to me. To check out earlier parts of the blog tour look at these by Marie, Philippa and Catherine. Hard acts to follow. This time the baton has arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland.
What am I
working on?
Marie handed over the baton I was thrilled to be described as a writer;I am
honoured to be described as that and also I still don't quite believe it. I've come
late to writing although all my life wanted to write a book. I trusted it would
happen at some point and staring my blog in response to events in my life
enabled my joy of writing to re-emerge.
This year
I decided to write a book. I wanted it to be in a similar style to my blog,
pursuing understanding and wisdom through a personal and professional lens. It
was that combination that brought me to blogging, both working in and
experiencing breast cancer.
Cara in her favourite spot |
Koshka's come to bed pose! |
So I am
writing my story, what I have learned from it and how love is central to it.( ps do click on the love link-its wonderful). Its my middle name you see.
I write too
in my work, especially around leadership and person centredness. I also
blog regularly on everything from
lived experience of breast cancer to politics in Scotland and anything else in
between really-including the cat Koshka and dog Cara. Never short of an opinion!
How does
my work differ from others of its genre?
My lived
experience blog is similar to others but maybe with a professional slant too as
that's how it started. Perhaps I have an unusual range of topics I blog on and that means some
of my blogs are very different. I notice my most popular ones are when I
connect to my heart most, either through honesty about loss and transitions or
if I'm passionate about change in a campaigning sense. So it's when I'm at my
most authentic, I'm at my best.
Why do I
write what I do?
I come to
this blogging challenge fresh from a weekend studying the work of Shulz on FIROB. Essentially we were exploring where we personally sit with Inclusion,
Control and Openness. It intrigued me and made me think about how this insight
relates to blogging and writing as well as more generally in my work as a coach
and consultant.
There was
a line Marie used in her blog about blogging connecting her to the wider
community and also to herself.Its so very true.
media can have bad press, how real are the connections or friends as Facebook
would have it? Is the connection of a blogging community a true connection or
is it merely a self publicity for the attention seeking, selfie generation?
Twitter can enable ghastly forces who use the distance of the medium to spew
bile towards others who have done nothing to invite it, other than to be in the
public eye. That distance de-personalises to a degree that leaves people scarily dis-inhibited and less mindful of their impact.
have also felt the power of its connection, felt the realness of the contact
that can reach across continents, generations, cultures and help build
relationship in such a expected ways. I have learned from people I will never
meet in person, I have laughed with them, I have grieved for them. We travel a
road together which creates a bond, which especially recognisable when its
broken by advanced illness or death.
In this
way blogging also exposes taboos, brings issues in to the open that society
shuns. Becomes a safe way to share things you don't even tell your best friend,
in that strange and compelling combination of intimacy and distance.
When I
started my blog I had just been diagnosed again with breast cancer while I was
director of a breast cancer charity. My reasons for the blog initially were to
enable a deeper understanding of the issues of breast cancer from a
professional and individual perspective. And it was that but also became so much more. It
allowed me to make sense of this tangled mess for myself too. It tracked my
feelings as it evolved, it was a repository for my feelings too. But all the
time I was aware it was a also a professional blog- my professional window to
the outside world. How much was too much, my constant dilemma. I have a
commitment to authenticity, so it is always real and honest but what about the
darkest places do I really want to reveal them? Will I be judged, excluded,
rejected even if I am "too" open?
whats interesting is what I have hesitated to reveal. Sometimes it's issues
that are private to others which I won't share and that's only right I think.
But what I also notice is that I have been less willing to share when I have
struggled with my emotional well-being. How much of that is me and how much does
this reflect societies stigma?
Last year at the very time I was setting up a
new business and needing to be at my most robust, I think I was probably at my
lowest. It's perhaps obvious through my writing that my spark was diminished
but I wasn't entirely open about how I was feeling. I finally realised that I
felt stuck, got help, told friends and
family and emerged stronger- in time.
reality I had had too much change and loss and needed to recover from it.
Having twice had cancer now I do believe
depression is a natural part of the
recovery and it impacts at different times for people. the time has come for us all to challenge the sanitised version of breast cancer that the pink ribbon has become and be honest about that. I feel an element of
guilt that I wasn't open earlier but I also understand how difficult that was,
especially as I also wanted people to see beyond that to the value I brought as a coach and
consultant. I know I'm not lesser because of illness physical or emotional. In
reality it has added richly to the work I do as a leader of organisations, in writing and campaigning work as well as in my coaching and
consultancy. Like many others,I'm a wounded healer in a way and its made me
who I am. Work in progress. And writing has helped me recognise and accept that.
![]() |
haunted by the black dog |
How does my writing process work?
I like to
write in the morning mostly, on trains is a creative place for me too, and any time when
my head is full of things to write but free of other clutter. I find myself
itching to write at times but not having an opportunity to do it. When I'm in
the middle of a writing project I can lose myself to it and risk neglecting
everything else so I need to discipline myself both to create space and to free
space too. We go to a small village in Bulgaria a couple of times a year. It
has an undisturbed view of the Rila mountains.
I love writing there, I set up the laptop under the canopy, breath
deeply in the mountain air and write with joy. If I'm very lucky the shepherds
dog comes to join me and snores loudly at my side.
writing has become my friend through good times...and bad. I'm delighted to
have discovered a friend like that.
I would
now like to hand on the blogging baton to Jan Baird Hasak @jhasak who I met
through blogging and of course through the Journey Through Breast Cancer blog.
She lives in California and I love the honesty and compassion in her writing.
When we first met on line she was in remission from breast cancer and it
grieves me deeply to say that now she isn't. She tells a truth about metastatic
breast cancer that needs to be heard. I'm just so so sorry she needs to tell
And EllenArnison @ellen27 whose book on blogging I read early on, Blogging forHappiness, in which she advises on how to blog and how blogging helped her
through depression. Like me Ellen lives in Scotland.
Ellen's writing is warm,
honest, funny and full of the joy of family life and much more. I know you will
enjoy it as much as I do. We met for the first time just this week. It's such a
pleasure when online friends connect in reality.
Thank you
Birt April 2014
I love this Audrey. It was so wonderful to read more about what motivates and inspires your writing..and to read that you have a book in the works - how exciting. I also love your description of blogging as a "strange and compelling combination of intimacy and distance." Beautiful description and so true. Thanks for taking up the baton and running it so marvellously
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed writing it. Thanks for stimulating me to do it. I'm intrigued to see the next blogs...x
DeleteThank you so much for the baton. I will strive to do it justice.
ReplyDeleteI know you will and its great to have wider links in this tour. Its a great idea.
DeleteThis is beautifully written, Audrey. This blog tour really has taken on new dimensions. Mine is now finished at and thanks for passing the baton to me.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jan, it's a beautiful post. What a moving journey this is. Audrey xxx