Sunday, 31 January 2016

I'm making memories

I had plans for this year. They were a bit vague but essentially around celebrating the year I become 60. Its another decade that, at one stage in my life, ( after my first cancer diagnosis in my 30's) that I didn't believe I would see, so celebration feels right. Of course my year has started differently, I'm still recovering from major breast cancer surgery and this weeks ups and downs have reminded me of that. The biggest up was confirming no need for chemotherapy although somewhat tempered by the expectation of 10 years of letrozole and following on with tamoxifen. But I thought ok ,10 years, I will take that!

My birthday is this week and yet again I'm reminded that I share my birthday with something else. It's world cancer day. OK, that's what I call rubbing it in! Every year it's the same of course, and I have ranted about this before but I kinda hoped they would give me a break for my 60th. Maybe like Easter it could be different each year? Since my first diagnosis I've worked hard to not let it define me, just to accept its impact as part of me and what I bring. But I don't need reminders. I just want to get on with living. So I won't be supporting any campaigns, I will be focussing on another watershed. If I have a birthday wish its pretty much could I get shot of the bra I have had to wear morning and night since my op. a simple but as yet unavailable request.Women readers will recognise that I'm currently missing the moment of bliss we look forward to every day....the point at which the bra comes off. When that day returns you will hear the sigh in Glasgow!

So for me this week will be a quiet birthday, with plans for time with loved ones the following week too. It's giving me much needed things to look forward to and I plan to enjoy it all as much as I am able to just now. This year will be about making nice memories and confining some to the bin ( along with the bra). I'm beginning to look forward to that again...must be feeling stronger, eh?

PS here is a link to World Cancer Day if you wish to know more.


  1. Dear Audrey, so glad you are home and doing well, taking it all in stride when you are able to do so. Enjoy looking forward to your birthday and festivities with friends and family. Hope that stupid bra can get consigned to the BE GONE YOU HORRID THING asap. much love, Karen XXOO

  2. ah life's little ironies Audrey - but nevertheless I am so happy you had a lovely birthday. here's to many, many more x


For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...