Sunday, 31 December 2017

A Hogmanay Poem

A moon, almost full
shines it’s glory
O’er Auld Reekie
this Hogmanay 

A grainy expectation,
a city holding
her breath 
for the bells

2017 ye were
a richt nichtmare
fur so mony
o’ us 

2018 aye hopeful
we share oor wishes
wi a shrug
whit can we dae?

Ma resolution is 
take dae whit a’ can
tae be a bit kinder in life
Oh aye, an tae ma sel’! 

Guan yersel
in whatever you’re
resolutions are this Hogmanay 

And cross we’r fingers for better times


  1. As a sign of gratitude for how my wife was saved from CANCER, i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this.
    My wife suffered cancer in the year 2013 and it was really tough and heartbreaking for me because she was my all and the symptoms were terrible, she always complain of abnormal vaginal bleeding, and she always have pain during sexual intercourse. . we tried various therapies prescribed by our neurologist but none could cure her. I searched for a cure and i saw a testimony by someone who was cured and so many other with similar body problem, and he left the contact of the doctor who had the cure to cancer . I never imagined cancer. has a natural cure not until i contacted him and he assured me my wife will be fine. I got the herbal medication he recommended and my wife used it and in one months time she was fully okay even up till this moment she is so full of life. cancer. has a cure and it is a herbal cure contact the doctor for more info on on how to get the medication. Thanks for reading my testimony.

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For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...