Sunday, 20 May 2018

the best laid schemes o' mice an' men, gang aft agley

And so it began, starting with my pre op assessment this week for my spinal surgery. I was all set, I even had a wee snack packed as advised as it could take some time. I was up early and organised. But this week we’ve had a sick family with both Andrew ( complication of man flu) and Cara the dog ( complication of dog bite) on antibiotics.

 So hot drinks and cheese disguised antibiotics were delivered ( only the dog got cheese to be honest ). Much reassurance given that I could drive there myself. So blue badge in hand I set off to my car in the hope of a parking space near the door of the clinic. The car didn’t start. OK we’re a two car family and no one was well enough to be going out so back in the house, swapped car keys, tried car number two, all good except blue badge was the other car and time was slipping away. Much cursing ensued and back for the other keys.....Amazingly i arrived on time. 
First off I saw the nurse who asked loads of questions and told me things I don’t remember much about if I’m honest. But I do remember she said we plan for the very best outcome here and you’ve the team who can deliver that. That was a magical moment that flipped my pessimism and helped me focus on a good outcome. Happy day. The anaesthetist was another star. She lifted my bag ( I’m unable to travel light!) and then I saw her profile and noted her advanced pregnancy. It won’t be me for your surgery but we will look after you well she pronounced as she took me through what to expect. It was incredibly reassuring. She told me she had seven shifts left before maternity leave and I wished her well. And returned home to my own patients.
Fortunately the week ended with a sun filled trip to the East Neuk of Fife with my friend. She is the very spirit of kindness and caring and we can laugh and cry together, what more can you want in a friend. I even managed to explore the local towns in my mobility scooter! It was a special couple of days to help me prepare for the next stage.
This week I have an angiogram under local anaesthetic as a day patient. I have all the instructions. But of course just when you think everything is under control nature takes over and you get a virus. It wasn’t simply man flu after all, it seems. So now I’m a wheezy mess. Fingers crossed it doesn’t delay anything...


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For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...