Saturday, 25 May 2019

Reflections from a hospital bed

My Prime Minister has gone
with a catch in her throat
tears for a legacy that was a fantasy
tears for a career that exposed
her as a leader who didn’t lead.

But no tears for the food banks
so needed in our communities.
No tears for Grenfell and communities like them.
No tears for Windrush generation and their families.
No tears for the racism and inequality so many suffer.

And who will choose the next one?
Not the country, nor the Parliament.
The final choice is the Conservative party members
And really the Daily Mail  who tell us it’s Boris,
And so probably they will make it so.

But here from my window
On my hospital bed I see the stunning outline
Of my capital city, Edinburgh.
And I grieve deeply for Britain.
But we need our different choices to be honoured!

Mrs May said now is not the time.
Maybe she was right then?
But in this time when our votes
are ignored and our voices unheard.
Scotland- this is the time! 

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