Wednesday, 17 February 2021


This is a video the ALLIANCE made of me reading this poem for a workshop. It brings this work to life, I hope you enjoy it. 


Its beautiful today,

blue skies and sun dazzling snow.

Children sledging and

shaping snow into fun creations.

Their calls and screams a joyful burst

in a long lockdwon winter. 

They don’t notice me.

That’s me there, across the road

behind the window.

My social calendar is empty, bar the NHS.

 My “walks” with friends were highlights 

Until the bitter east winds came.

“Stay in” calls resound. 

And snow is not the place for the vulnerable.

I’ve done my share of sledging,

skating on thin ice ( ahem)

and building lifeless snowmen. 

Instead I huddle in doorways.

The offical photographer

for photos I never appear in.

Shielding they call it. 

I’m at risk of the virus

that haunts us each night

on the news I try to avoid

but cant.

I’ve been in ICU before 

it terrified me with

drug induced nightmares,

ventilators that silence the voice

and drain the soul.

It’s  utter dependence

and fear.

So I’m shielding you see.

That’s me over there

behind the window,

awaiting vaccines

and the post-pandemic spring,

whenever it comes.

Audrey Birt February 2021

Monday, 8 February 2021


 At the turn of the year I pledged to myself to write a poem each month. A calendar poem to track the year. My process is I need to wait for something that I’m drawn to write about. Today it is a fall of snow. It’s not enough for a snow man, it just offers a fresh view.

February is our birthday month. I was 65 last week. (And still no pension #just sayin) My family and friends were so generous and loving, that helped February have a warm glow. We have our vaccines dates this month too.

 And I’m now a qualified coach supervisor, after completing a really stimulation course. I’m also part of a Coach supervision collective and I’m grateful to be part of such a creative approach to supporting quality coaching in service of their clients. Have a look and do share if you would like to. 

And here is February’s poem, I hope you enjoy it. 


Who knows which day it is?

This lockdown drags its feet

and drags us along behind

powerless to change the pace.

One day at a time makes it

more bearable.

One step at a time 

risks pain and loss

and yet the only way

to move.

Today the snow fell

and created a new world.

This world is beautiful and  

unspoiled by the darkness 

of a lockdown winter.

We forget for a moment

about variant viruses and

instead wait for the first footprints to appear

amidst the snowdrops.

For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...