Thursday, 20 July 2023

Lazy and hazy Scottish summer.


It’s a sure sign I’ve been feeling more energised that I’ve finally managed to do the edits on my book. What book? I probably mentioned it about four years ago and various illnesses, treatments, pandemics got in the way. But now it’s nearly there and I’m now at the final stages with it. It’s not unlike my blog in that it’s about my lived experience of living with cancer and long term-conditions as well as using my professional knowledge of how to live well with all that life throws at you. It’s not about external things, it’s more about knowing yourself more. In even its rawer stages I’ve had feedback that those who’ve had a preview found it was very valuable for them and frankly that’s my motivation. So watch this space! 

But this week I’m on the third lot of antibiotics for a bladder infection and to say I’m weary is a huge understatement. And I’ve remembered how that feels. It’s scared me a little, I thought I was on it but clearly not. Pace yourself is my mantra this week but I did get to see my daughters choir in action. 

The Phoenix choir has three choirs in Edinburgh, one of which was the carers choir. There was something so deeply moving and uplifting seeing some of these older women and men bringing that voice deep from their soul and going for it. The joy that singing and music brings was in that room for the singers of all ages. And it was a special treat seeing our daughter head back and feeling the joy. 

These are the moments I store away.

Our wee -well pretty big-cat has had a tough week- he had eight teeth out. Now there’s trauma but he’s dealing with it in style. They have given us a leaflet on how to brush his teeth. He’s 14 this month…..I won’t be brushing his teeth anytime soon. I value my skin! The visit to the vet was also where Cara our dog was put to sleep. That was so tough and made her loss feel like yesterday. We were so glad Koshka only had some toothache. As I write he’s asleep in my wheelchair. Attention seeking or what?! 

And my final word is I feel such concern for the awful heatwaves around the world. But it’s very different here in Scotland where my plea is can the sun come back, a watery 22 centigrade would do. Our rivers are full again so please can we have a bit of warmth-it is July after all. 

For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...