Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Using your bounces wisely!

 Autumn awaits

I found I hadn’t the drive to write this blog last month. We’ve had precious time with family and fitted in some well paced fringe shows as well as the final concert of the Edinburgh International Festival which was an inspiring conclusion to August in Edinburgh. 

I’ve crashed and burned too at times. The worst being a flare up of rheumatoid arthritis. Grim. Additional treatment, pacing and a referral back the rheumatology has helped. But it’s left me rather shaken. And now I have another urine infection. I’m accepting that with so many conditions, this is my life. But I’m here and doing my best to get the balance between emotional and physical well-being. I do need connection with the outside world but that needs to be well managed. And given all that I managed a trip to North Berwick, ate prawns at the lobster shack and tried out my first beach wheelchair! I loved it and wished we still had Cara to run alongside and be reminded that life is good. ( Phia-next visit this is a definite!!)

This weekend we celebrated our grandson’s birthday. Hats off to his Mum and Dad who coped with the mayhem of five year olds, bouncy castles and face painting. And supported the building of more Lego in one day than I thought possible. Throw in dinosaurs and baby Yoda and you can picture the scene. The day after the party delivered the best line of the weekend. When I asked my grandson if he had any bouncing left for the trampoline in the park after the bouncy castle the day before, he replied, “I never run out of bounces, Grannie”.  Any one who has ever learned about pacing probably knows about using up your spoons but for me that’s now my bounces! How many bounces do you have? My bounces have left the building to be honest but the question will always make me smile.  

My book is close to printing now and that’s incredibly exciting and has evoked a serious case of imposter syndrome. And the more I look at it the less typos I can see. But I am really pleased with how it looks. The next stage feels a big one but I can’t stop now. Any wise words welcome!! 

Hopefully October will bring a launch date. 


  1. Lovely to have you back in the blogosphere and so excited to hear about your book Audrey!

  2. Thanks Marie, your encouragement has got me here!

  3. Love the bounces theme. Best of luck with your book. So exciting!


For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...