Sunday, 5 November 2023

A meeting of worlds


A meeting of worlds

The last few weeks for me have been quite exciting in some ways, testing of my energies and health and an opening of support and care. 

But the backdrop to this as we know has been a very turbulent time in the world. I’ve tried to engage with this, with friends deeply grieving for their friends and donating to support. Not just in Israel and Gaza but also Ukraine whose people face and uncertain time with winter approaching.

I’m aware of them all and trying to do our best. I try to do what I can but also step back and use my energy wisely and not lose the balance of self care. One of these days I will get that right! 

The source of my excitement was taking delivery of my book, The Journey to Better Times. I’ve written it over the last few years with the ups and downs of energy and health challenges. During this time for example I’ve been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer, the cancer now spread and moved into my liver. I’ve recently started a third chemotherapy, oral thankfully and so far its impact hasn’t been too devastating. 

So I’m gradually drawing attention to the book and encouraging people to buy it. I write as someone who has several longterm conditions and combining that with my professional experience. It’s gradually emerged following lots of discussion and many good people have helped me.

I know it’s moved people to tears and to valuable reflection. Dr David Reilly has said “she adds wisdom gained from her nursing, her coaching, and her experience as a senior executive in health organisations.  She is a woman of heart, wisdom and deep life experience, and this book allows you to gain from her guidance and from her inspirational life.” 

And from a friend who worked at a senior level in mental health social work-

“ I think you’ve struck a really good balance between being heart rendingly honest about your own experiences and processes and your more professional and analytical side from your nursing, 3rd sector and leadership experiences. I think this will be a very important book for people with long term conditions, their supporters and loved ones but also for the whole range of health and social care workers who they come into contact with.“

I’m so grateful and encouraged by their reflections and compassion. 

You can get the printed copy from eBay

You can find the ebook on Amazon kindle on the same name Journey to Better Times. 

I would love to be able to gift these but I’m afraid the cost to publish them has been too high. Please tell your friends and colleagues about it and I’d love to hear from you and your reflections on the book. 

 Please buy it and share on social media and your friends if you can. I’d love to have made it free but I’m afraid I need to recoup some of the costs to get it to hear. But. What is even more valuable if you give me your honest feedback too.

The other development recently as I’ve been referred to the hospice, as someone who now has a life limiting illness. I’m not at end stage and may not be for sometime but it’s a new stage and it’s been so valuable to have their support. I feel I’ve been scooped up by a group of skilled and caring people and I’m so relieved to know they are there. 

This week they had a pop up Christmas shop….I know it’s a bit early but it was a way to support the range of work they do. I bought a cookery book, a strange choice for someone whom lives with nausea and indigestion! But I must have known it would take me right back to childhood. Each Tuesday evening we went my Auntie Jessie for tea and my favourite meal was corned beef stovies. My thanks go to Val McDermott a fellow Fifer who shared this recipe. I’ve already put in my request and Andrew has promised to give it a go. Happy days. 

Keep in touch! 

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