Sunday, 25 February 2024

Future times?

 I find myself constantly changing timescales in my head. I never commit them to paper or even say them out loud. It means my level of comfort with planning varies. A passing comment like ‘let’s do this every year’ makes me hesitate before I reply. Yes definitely, my reply. And that hesitation expresses my doubt in my future. But strangely sits alongside the part of me that assumes a full future. That’s the part of me that keeps moving forward. 

It’s hope that creates the momentum to keep going.

In the past I’ve watched friends and family approach each stage in their cancer journey with determination. And I’ve often thought how can they keep going? Even at times, why aren’t they giving up in the face of such an awful impact on their wellbeing? I’ve wondered if I could keep going in their situation. I’ve doubted my courage to continue. 

But now if I step back and reflect on my situation I realise I am that person now. The person people look at and think, how does she keep going. I’ve assumed in the past that it’s grim determination that would be needed to get up each day. It would be like the final push of a marathon or a mountain climbed without the rush of the achievement. 

But for me at least, it’s not that. It’s the lure of life, of a daily simple routine, to stroke the cat and hear his purr, to laugh together on the antics of the latest video of our grandson, the spring flowers edging up. And time with family and friends is so very precious. Again it’s not the big things, it’s simple kindnesses, it’s time together, it’s hugs and hands held, it’s a shared acknowledgment of the precious experiences, it’s the quiet presence of love without words needed to prove its existence. 

You see it doesn’t feel like a slog at all, it’s the precious privilege of life, enjoyed each day at a time. What a gift. 

1 comment:

For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...