Thursday, 2 June 2011

Missing in action.....

Its official! I have lost my mojo. I thought it would return without an offical search but no. So I would like to report MIA one mojo-please if you find it return it to its rightful, if rather careless, owner. 

I do at least know the reason. I finally recognised that the swelling and pain was getting worse and that I have an infection. Happily its now improving with antibiotics and rest. But I am off work again. Sorry team Breakthrough .....but if you join in the search for said mojo I hope to be back before too long! So not wonder woman after all eh? I blame the lack of under wiring personally:-(

To aid return of mojo I hope to prepare over the summer for our walk in Perthshire. I have done long distance walks before and love nothing better than walking through beautiful parts of Scotland. This is part of a new trail through Perthshire and takes place on 9/10 September so lots of time to prepare. Would you like to do it with me? It should be great fun and uplifting ( no pun intended) to boot! So baby steps starting next week is my plan. Fingers crossed.....

The attentive of you will notice i have not mentioned the new kitchen. Now dont get me wrong I can see a thing of real beauty emerging but there are two holes in my hallway and I dont have a functioning kitchen or loo.....So I am with my good friends to escape. Consequently I missed the phonecall about an early appointment with the plastic surgeon and the letter arrived after the appointment.Its not a disaster but it felt that way for a while. Next time!

Reaons to be cheerful are I heard from a friend she has bought the Matthew Williamson bracelet being sold for Breakthrough Breast Cancer by Accessorize. I have bracelet envy....wonder if I can get away with putting it on the shopping list. Also we have a heatwave predicted....or what passes for one in Scotland anyway.  Not holding my breath on that one!

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For Audrey, with love

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