Monday, 30 May 2011

Thank goodness for bank holidays......its really helped restore me a little more. Friday started well with a lovely time with friends and then finished listening to The Firebugs. They are fantastic.I managed to stay awake and so glad i did. The highlight for me was my son singing a beautiful song he wrote and they dedicated it to me as he started to sing.Wonderful.

My heart was full and indeed it was an emotional evening. It was my reminder that this time has been an emotional roller coaster not only for me but for others who care for me too. And I do feel guilty about that but its also shown me how rich I am in love and friendship.

Writing the blog has also connected me with wider communites and I have loved hearing from you all in the different ways. The impact breast cancer and its treatment is huge for so many of you.I fully understand that the impact for me will change but continue to affect me in some way.But for the many people whose breast cancer has spread the impact will be much bigger. For some it means constant treatment like chemotherapy with all the side effects on an ongoing basis-a constant part of their lives.And this goes on for years-how hard that is for them and their loved ones.This takes such energy and courage to face such challenges for so long.

From my work I know so much of this is hidden and we dont know how much support is needed because this information is not currently collected consistently by the NHS.But we also know that as treatments such as those Breakthrough's research is helping to develop will help more people survive hopefully with fewer side effects of treatment.  Its so important this lifesaving work continues and the results get to those who need it quickly. 

Reasons to be cheerful are being treated to a lovely weekend with family in a beautiful bed and breakfast over looking a sea loch watching gannets dive for fish. We also saw the most spectacular rainbows....which probably tells the story of the weather too.The consolation was good food and even better company-and I will confess to a glass of champagne too! Good times.

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