Tuesday, 24 April 2012

A year on....

Three weeks on now and much of the bruising is going which makes the wardrobe decisions easier if I manage to head out. And with growing confidence in my recovery comes the risk of forgetting advice on what not to do. So when I carried a basket in search of percy pigs and the like at the weekend I just forgot not to carry too much. The result wasn't just significant pain for a few days ,  it was a real bursting of the bubble...and bubble i did. No lasting damage happily and as my son sagely said no harm in such a reminder of my vulnerabilities. I am coughing a bit too and the rash remains on my face, so i am back to more carefully pacing myself again. Honest! We celebrated my husbands birthday yesterday and I recalled it was therefore my one year anniversary since being re diagnosed with breast cancer. We were together as a family when I was called to confirm the diagnosis I was expecting. And consequently headed forth into a year that we were not expecting. The first year in our new house was to be about fun and new beginnings. Well it's not been that I suppose but it's had some great moments too. These diagnoses also help you savour the good bits a fresh.  So I may have a a year of re visiting old demons and surgery and depleted well being but it's had it's highlights. Although my energies have not been great I have supported the team to have its best year yet, I got through to the finals as female director of the year in the Institute of Directors awards, we have completed our extension and have wonderful new kitchen ( my favourite spot in our new home), we have enjoyed city life and good times with friends and family, I have rediscovered a joy of writing through this blog, I have seen friendships grow and made even made new social media friends too, thanks in the main to my blog and twittering!Thanks to all of you who have supported, followed and cheered me along the way, this last year. You have made it so much more doable. This time just now is about allowing me to fully recover from the recent surgery and the impact of this last year .But  I am damn sure ( ok will admit to anger now and then!) I am not letting this b****y disease define me as a person! I am much more than Audrey who has had breast cancer. However this whole experience has contributed to the person I am , both the strong and the fragile parts. And I am OK with that too. Reasons to be cheerful. My son and his girlfriend and two other friends are doing the Hairy Haggis Relay( yes that is the name i jest not!) part of the Edinburgh Marathon together in support of our charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer. They will be one of the Mikes Marvels team supporting my surgeon Mike. You see he is not only a world leading surgeon ( its offical not just my vote!) but he also supports our efforts to raise vital funds for our life changing research. I am so proud and deeply moved that they are supporting Mike and Breakthrough in this way.  I am sure he will be too. Their team is called the Macaroons as the decision to run was made at a dinner party, when fulled by macaroons and wine they committed to the run!! If you would like to support them here is the link to their page. www.justgiving.com/themacaroons . Thank you!

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For Audrey, with love

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