Saturday, 23 June 2012

"Strumming my pain with his fingers?"

"For most people going back to work is a welcome distraction....the thing is its not for you", the words of my doctor when I saw her last week. So we then talked about how I could look after myself, given the complexity of my situation. Pace myself, knowing when I may be vulnerable and stepping back and so on. Well rehearsed plans to put into place. And in many ways it has been a great distraction. Anyone who visits our office recognises its bright welcoming dynamic and the warmth and friendliness of the team. It's great being there. We have laughed too.......not least during the discussion about the new Irn Bru ad. I really can't repeat it ( no really i cant!) but suffice to say it made  me laugh so much I coughed and wheezed! Great therapy. 

 And it's been in many ways a hugely successful week in which a new Breakthrough Breast Cancer campaign we launched received great plaudits , capturing the hearts and minds of not only supporters but leading peers in other charities. Fantastic affirmation to a hard working and creative team and  wonderful supporters too. The short film thats part of our "One Day" campaign is so good at getting the message over. Yes it's so good it's one I need to watch in private really. 

As I have thought of this and my doctors words of how to protect myself, a song has come to mind a few times. Its a song written about Don Maclean by a songwriter called Lori Leiberman. The sound track of my youth was the Roberta Flack one. Do you know what it is yet?! I hesitate to say the title, as it feels too strong but some of the lyrics really do resonate. Perhaps the line " I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud" and if I am really honest so does "strumming my pain with his fingers". It's those core fears as someone described it to me recently. The quote " being there for the key milestones in your children's life "  is my undoing each viewing of the film. Here is  the link to "Killing me softly " story. It's worth a look and maybe helps explain the link for me at least. 

But back to the Breakthrough "One Day" campaign. The power of that film is such that I keep thinking about how we can use it as it tells the power of our work so well. And of course on these occasions I will stand up there introducing it and see the impact .......and try to contain my own. I took part in the filming when I was off recovering from surgery and as I approached it , struggled with the dilemma of which hat I was wearing. But the truth is its all the hats....I need my own special hat designer for this job really.  There isn't a template on how to do this and in the last year I have been doing my best to walk the line of balance but it's not easy. So has my return to work been a welcome distraction? Absolutely! Have a been able to protect myself.....mmmm jury's out. Here's the link again to the one day film and how to choose your one day, if you would like to? Mine is Sept 1, and I am proud of that. 

Reasons to be cheerful. Heading to London on Monday so I will see my colleagues based there too and I am really looking forward to that. My daughter is on a flying visit soon. We have booked a meal together with friends at a vegan friendly Vietnamese restaurant that should be fun! Having visited Vietnam we know the beauty of the country and eclectic variety of food...and great coffee too. Can't wait, good times with people I love.


  1. I remember that song, Audrey. It brings back great memories.

    Enjoy your trip to London and the time with your daughter. Wish I could find a vegan-friendly Vietnamese restaurant here in northern California. When I called the only Vietnamese restaurant in town, they said all their dishes had meat or fish, and they didn't offer to accommodate me. Well, I'll just have to go to a metro area to sate my culinary longings. Just as I enjoyed vegetarian Burmese on my last visit to the San Francisco Bay Area.

    Congrats on the campaign. Keep up the good work! xx Jan

    1. We had a great meal, superb food and charming Vietnamese service. You need to come to Edinburgh! The week was long but good in the main. Thanks for your kind words. I hope it's been a good week for you too. Audrey xx


For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...