Sunday, 2 September 2012

Going for Gold.

"To overcome difficulties is to experience the full delight of existence". 
Arthur Schopenhauer

In the same week I got advice on the physio to improve my back problem I have watched the Paralympians challenge themselves in quite extraordinary ways. From those whose disabilities from birth have meant they have always had the challenges integrating into a less than understanding world, to those whose lives have been absolutely changed by devastating events,  they exude courage and grim determination. I am awed and like many , moved by their passion to exceed.

The games give them a goal, an opportunity to challenge their situations and really reinforce that message to the world;  see the person not the disability. They can teach us so much. There is undoubtedly a mind set that helps them achieve but also I guess an ability to read their bodies and know when and where to push and when to adapt or ease off.

I know my own challenges are so small compared to theirs but their courage and resilience is inspiring me too. Alongside the advice not to be impatient ( me! ) and not to do too much I am also determined to get fitter again. It's an important mindset shift to being a recovering person, not an ill person. But I need to pace myself still to get to the final destination.

With every illness or change or disability there is the point where you have let go of your old reality with all the grieving that's part of that but then that is replaced by the new reality. The challenge is to celebrate that person , all the learning that has ensued and be all you can be from there.

But I know it's not easy , you only had to see Ellie Simmonds sobbing after her gold medal winning swim to see not only the joy but the cost of success against the odds but the message of these incredible athletes is look at what you can do...and go for it! Let's hope these games help to change attitudes for good towards people living with disabilities, not least the policy makers.

Reasons to be cheerful. A family Sunday lunch to look forward to and the end ( boo) of the festival fireworks are tonight. It's a 45 minute display set to music, always a fantastic way to start the week. Also I am supporting a key launch next week which I am really excited about, but more of that later...

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