Wednesday, 1 October 2014

You got a friend this October?

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I've been planning my week ahead and knew that its coming; breast cancer awareness month that is. No longer do I have to dress in pink, to go about my work but nonetheless the reality is that October is still very pink. My careful packaging away of my own history, to be pulled out when I approach my review appointment in December, is no longer intact.
It's insidious at first; some articles appear in women's magazines. Stories of survival abound. The ones who don't are less spoken of this month it seems. There are the others too of course, who wouldn't describe themselves as survivors, living with metastatic cancer who can feel  in the shadow of the pink hued October time. But for many of them their daily life has become survival, their personal marathons to live with pain, fatigue and more. Somehow that pink ribbon just doesn't really seem cut it for them.
Of course breast awareness is important and I'm grateful for that focus and hope this month too will save lives through early diagnosis. Also the breast cancer charities rely on this month to raise much needed income to do their research, support and information, all of which help. So do what you can, it makes a difference. And share this TLC message to friends too; we all need to be breast aware.
But don't forget the impact on your friends with breast cancer, don't think that it's gone now they are back to work, or had good news at a follow up. And even more important are those friends who don't get the good news, who live everyday with metastatic cancer, please make sure they don't disappear into your shadows. Be their friend still.
I saw James Taylor this week in Glasgow and he was wonderful.His hair may different from the poster I lovingly gazed at on my bedroom wall as a teenager but his voice is still beautiful. As he sang You Got a Friend I remembered the time after my first diagnosis of breast cancer, watching him sing this song on a TV programme with the tears rolling down my cheeks, knowing that that message was so important to me and mine then. To know you've got a friend means so much.
Look after your friends this month....and all the other ones too of course. 


  1. Thoughtful words, Audrey... and an important message this month - remember your friends and those we've lost. Amen x

    1. Thank you, yes indeed those we have lost too. October certainly brings them to mind. And if it raises money to ensure more survive its a good thing of course. But I'm sure were all glad when its over. Xxx

  2. dear Audrey,

    your TLC message is outstanding and generous and so compassionate; such a needed reminder that thought it might not always be easy to see, it's really true that sometimes those who walk firmly and loyally at the side of those for whom they support who have cancer are also the ones who need understanding, an ear lent for listening, a good dose of empathy, and a warm hug. there are millions of silent walking wounded all around us who feel helpless and despondent at times, even if they are not cancer patients, they carry a heavy weight of worry and sadness for those whom they support. I still love that old quote I once saw on Marie's site: "we are all just walking one another home."

    much love,

    Karen oxxo

    1. Wise words from you as ever Karen, yes we are just walking each other home and so very very fortunate to have friends. Go well, your lovely words as ever have made my day. Love Audrey


For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...