Sunday, 22 December 2019

All I want for Christmas is a stairlift!

But not really. That £5k could have had very different purposes!  I really wanted a holiday where we could both relax. I feel cheated to be honest and then worried that the pain getting in and out of chair in the lift might be worse than how I feel later in the day dragging myself up our stairs when my spine is protesting. The alternative is to lose our dining room and set up our bed room there. The cat and dog loved it when we did that for me returning home after spinal surgery. Maybe we should just coorie in downstairs?
 But for me the dining room is full of family times. Of Christmases when my Mum was still with us, of board games, of music and laughter. Currently the colour in Christmas table cloth is a scene of individual creativity and a symbol of community: of loving family and loyal friendship. How can I lose that? That’s the loop I go round.....I guess I will make decision once I’m less angry about having to make such a choice. I need some scream therapy I think! 
But Christmas awaits and I’m very much looking forward to it. I’ve a cast iron excuse not to cook so setting the table is my job! Our Grandson will be with us so I’m looking forward to a riot of fun. Especially as our dog will have the cone of shame on, having had a growth removed from her leg. 

Davie finds Cara the dog hilarious so I expect the cone will add to the giggles.Woof and wow are his favourite words so there should be plenty of opportunities to use them! I’m hugely grateful to have the famille together. We’ve already had lots of family visiting and much love and laughter. That’s the gift of Christmas for me.
And it’s been a hard week or so since the election. The new government have already dropped promises like a higher living wage. What more might they be capable of? They scare me as their leader ( our PM-FFS, how did that happen?) seems to be without a moral compass and shows no sign of compassion for others. We’ve five years of this at least unless Scotland gets the chance to choose a different path. I will do what I can to shape a different way; not least as co-chair for Voices for Scotland. Voices for Scotland is a new non-party, civic organisation campaigning for Scottish independence. The aim is to facilitate open conversations, away from the division and polarities of yes,no, leave and remain. The conversations will be about Scotland’s future with those people across the political spectrum. We want to hear from people from all walks of life and really listen to their stories and hopes. People need hope that things can be better for everyone not just the elite who now control our country. I’m all about finding hope in dark times. 
If you want to get involved check out the website or just let me know. 

Here’s to better futures, wishing you a happy Christmas from Edinburgh and may 2020 bring you love and connection. 

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For Audrey, with love

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