Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Back to Percy pig land..again!

I would say each day could be described as a game of two halves. I have had definite hints of mojo peeping through the clouds only to have it drowned by a deluge shortly after wards. And understanding this some more I am trying to work with my energy rather than push it up hill as my usual style would be. I am really enjoying being able to walk a little more but it grieves me to admit that shopping remains overwhelming  and exhausting.  A walk around Waitrose nearly saw me off and not just the bill either! This was followed by a visit to the land of Percy pigs to visit the underwear department again. Again you cry?Too true, this year has been the eternal quest for a comfortable bra that I would pay good money for. My husband wisely exited stage left so as to avoid any re- enactments of the Father Ted episode in the lingerie dept. And it was also wise to avoid me when my limited options cause me to resort to a Tourette's style outpouring. However a very sensitive and kind assistant helped me find something that cheered me up and fitted my ever changing size. No I am not saying what size it is, you need enhanced disclosure rights for that! The real achievement will be when I can keep it on all day. The cat looked rather surprised last night when I announced it would have to come off ( nothing surprises my husband now). And it struck me that perhaps I could measure my readiness to return to work by how long I could keep a bra on!!! They are a pretty astute bunch I work with so if I have to nip off half way through the day and return a slightly different shape with a relieved look on my face they are going to guess, don't you think? A friend posted a saying the other day that read "Happiness is when you take your bra off at the end of the day". Amen to that. So the return to work test with a difference but it could be significant. Reasons to be cheerful. Time with friends and family again this weekend to look forward to. I have perfected the no squash hug thankfully, much needed for such social occasions. Homeland has now finished ( nail biting episode and going to worry about Carrie till it returns !) but The Bridge continues.  I haven't a clue what's really happening to be honest but it's hooking me in, I love the theme tune and enjoying the Denmark vs Sweden banter. Mmmmm what does that remind me of?


  1. I'd say there was a definite hint of mojo in that post too.
    That bra business sounds a bit troublesome, I hope you can keep it on longer and longer.

  2. Thanks Ellen. I remember you too having bra purchasing issues! Yes some mischief in the post and the bits I deleted too..


For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...