Friday, 29 November 2013

Kindness...a Friday inspiration.

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
~ Dalai Lama

Kindness is the theme of my Friday inspiration. I have experienced it from others this week and how that has lifted my life. When I attended my follow up clinic for breast cancer this week I was really a bit scared. For once I admitted that. Rather than wear my "I'm fine" face I said I'm feeling anxious. The change that gave me concern was nothing to worry about but may benefit from further surgery. I'm thinking about that meantime. But not only did I witness, the warmth, kindness and humour of those who attended me, I saw it towards others too. It was wonderful to watch.
And finally I want to acknowledge the kindness I see too in the 9 o'clock club we go to with the dog. It's not formal. It's a regular gathering of a wide mixture of people who bring their dogs together. Cara generally causes a bit of mayhem as she runs in and does a fly past at about 40 miles an hour but the all welcome her warmly (mostly!). But this week Shandy aged 18 years died. Leaving her owner alone. The genuine support, kindness and concern has moved all of us. Everyone's been so kind she said.
Now in a week where the White paper on Scotland's Future ( it's in my kindle, I'm getting round to it ,honest) I want to live in a nation where kindness is a core value. Whoever prioritizes that has my vote.
Have a good weekend and a great St Andrews day to my fellow Scots and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you for whom this is a special holiday.



  1. I'm so glad you found kindess when you needed it. It is our shining attribute as 'people' I think. And that picture you have about being the person your dog thinks you are is awesome :) ~Catherine

    1. Oh to be the person the dog thinks I am! Thanks and wishing you much kindness to. Ax

  2. Sometimes I think we all underestimate how much kindness, or the lack of it, can influence others. It's so difficult when we lose a dear pet. I'm sure Shandy's owner was very appreciative of the kindness shown her. And yes, that quote is a good one. Thanks for sharing some thoughts on kindness. Well said.

    1. Thanks Nancy, I thought as a fellow dog lover you would understand the messages. Yes kindness is something we all need to give and to receive. X


For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...