Thursday, 3 November 2016

Day 3. Be kind, always.

Day 3 Find a quotation that inspires or provokes you.
I often use quotes in my blog and this is probably the one that I've used more than any other. Is it the cleverest or most creative; no. But it's the one I'm often moved to quote in relation to something I've written. If I'm honest it's really deeply personal in that often outwardly I'm getting on with my life but inwardly it's actually quite tough. And kindness can be the difference between coping or not. So many conditions are like breast cancer, their impact is hidden from the outside world, but nonetheless the impact is unavoidable. Perhaps the quote reminds us in our fast paced world there's little room for the time it takes to recover from illness, to grieve, to come to terms with a change in our lives or whatever has thrown us off kilter. 
Its the reminder too that none of us are immune to trauma. And that kindness is the most important component of a decent society. My experience of cancer has shown me that small acts of kindness can really make a huge difference to people. It's the light in a dark time.
So this quote is that reminder to kind, always. 

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