Friday, 13 May 2011

Tea and twitter

Tea and twitter

Yesterday it seemed to all be about tea and twitter. I was admitted into the day unit at 7.30 fasted and ready to go for treatment for breast cancer for the second time in my life. Twitter helped me feel in touch while i waited to go to theatre at 1 pm and I had mentioned needing tea to everyone I spoke to and on twitter several times. I think maybe there is something like catnip in it?!

What a fabulous team they are at the Western Breast Cancer unit in Edinburgh. From the famous Professor Dixon there from dawn till dusk making everyone in his care feel special to the nurse who risked the wrath of the catering staff to find gluten free bread to make me toast. I felt informed, safe, supported and cherished throughout and then got home to my own bed at night.Result.And tea and toast never tasted so good.

I was amazed to learn that i had to walk to theatre.Tried not to think of the green mile! I could see it created a different dynamic, a more empowered process as it is designed to,reducing stress as a consequence. Even as I walked through the hospital in my theatre gown, anti-embolus sox, dressing gown and NO MAKE UP (saying hello to work acquaintances!)I recognised the value……nearly! I was mightily relieved when I heard I didn’t have to walk back.

How helped I am by all my family and friends being in touch-and how many ways there are to do that too. From the blog contacts, tweets, texts, emails and good old fashioned hugs I know how fortunate I am. I was reminded of that last week on a visit to Lewis.

I met a group of fine women who had come together to support each other following a breast cancer diagnosis. I was struck by their stoicism and understated kindness.  One of the women during our chat made me laugh and cry. She had been widowed and also had lost both her sons and told me the worst part for her was no-one to support and comfort her when she went home from being told she had cancer. 

It reminded me we musn't forget that caring for especially our older people doesn’t end after they close their door at night.The breast support group are her life line-the power of volunteers and the milk of human kindness. 

Reasons to be cheerful: The wonderful network of support I have and special time today with my friend which is a rare treat.And now Chris and El hve arrived to make dinner.I am a lucky woman:-)

1 comment:

  1. I had to walk to theatre too!! It really threw me, I wasn't expecting it! Got to love those anti-embolus socks haha.

    - Deborah x


For Audrey, with love

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