Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Welcome to Audrey's blog

Hi I am Audrey and I am the Director for Scotland of Breakthrough Breast Cancer. I am also a wife, a daughter, a mother, a step mother,a sister, a friend , a colleague and many other things too! So why do i want to blog? I recently have been diagnosed for the second time in my life with early breast cancer-the first time was almost 17 years ago.The difference in the impact of this diagnosis has been stark for me and through this blog I wanted to explore why some of that is. What makes it different now for me, does working for  Breakthrough Breast Cancer make it harder or easier even? What difference does it make now my children are adults?What can i learn from this to help me come to terms with the impact of having breast cancer twice and actually use the process of writing it down to help me think it through.
I also want the blog to help me connect with others to help them through my expereince, either to ensure they show themselves some TLC ( thats our breast awareness message) or to help them through a similar journey of transition whatever that is.I can also share with all of my connections my reflections that may help them in their own work or personal world.
Its a bit strange writing this and not knowing who will read it ( if anyone!) and what their reaction will be but i guess i will get use to it. I hope to do a wee post most days when i can would love to hear back from you.
I suppose for me this is also about finding my voice in this fairly unique situation I find myself in and using that voice to share and shed my own burdens. And also the love and laughter that these times can evoke.


  1. Aunty Audrey

    I am extremely impressed with your blog must take a lot of courage and for impressive IT skills (it took my 10mins to figure out how to follow!) I think it's a fantastic way to share your thoughts and im sure there will be a LOT of us following and helping you were we can along your journey both on here and wherever else you need us.

    Lots of love,
    Lou, xx

  2. Hi Audrey
    as ever your words brought a tear to my eye. You have great compassion and I am sure that will see you through this as it probably did 17 years ago before I knew you. I'm thinking about you often and both Gerrie and I send our love. Hope tomorrow goes smoothly.
    lots of love
    Susan xxx

  3. Aunt Audrey
    This is the second time you've made me cry in my life. The first time was when I became pregnant with Andrew and how kind and supportive you were, such a long time ago. This time with the courage strength and thought for others with your blog.
    Love to you and Uncle Andy and hope to see you soon.
    Ann-Marie xxxx


For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...