Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Universal truths and karaoke?

Your lovely, thoughtful and warm messages are helping me feel less self indulgent for writing this blog. Indeed one of reasons for doing this is to share a universal message really. Its universal, not only as a breast cancer journey, but also as that of any major illness. Two good friends have recently spoken to me of family member’s diagnosis of diabetes and how they have at times felt scared, distressed, overwhelmed and even guilty. I recognise all of these emotions.

One of the universal messages for me is that receiving care which informs, supports and allows you to address the issues presented by your diagnosis full on and find your own answers to it ,is not a luxury but has to be a fundamental part of your care. And its sound economics too. Whether that’s helping to prevent common complications like depression or helping people get back to work.

But its also true that while breast cancer has a universal impact it is also unique. The uniqueness is because it has such an impact on women as it affects such a fundamental part of our femaleness, our breasts. I think over the last 16 years I have eventually accepted that having had surgery on my breast has not made me any less of a woman. It took some time to regain my confidence if I am honest-and I don’t want to lose it again. So to all of us who have lost some or all of our breasts lets celebrate who we are and use this experience to remind us to enjoy life and be all we can be. I can feel a karaoke number coming on……!

Reasons to be cheerful-This morning had a lovely visit from my Mum and my sister. We had a serious political discussion and a good giggle too. Perfect! Also I had special time on the sofa with Koshka the cat and looked round my new emerging kitchen with great excitement. Does that mean I might have to find time to cook on occasion once its finished?

1 comment:

  1. Having spent happy and delicious times in your old kitchen, I sure hope so!

    There's no un-corny way of saying that you're in my heart every day, Buds. xx


For Audrey, with love

It’s Cat here, Audrey’s daughter. It has taken me some time for me to sit down and write Audrey’s last blog, something I have said to my dad...